The 3 Pillars of Authentic Self: How to Build a Rule-Breaking Personal Brand

If you’re a service-based business owner, founder, freelancer, or aspiring thought leader in a disruptive industry, brace yourself for an uncomfortable truth bomb.

Your impact ceiling, your ability to scale with intention, and your profitability all hinge on something I know many of you are ignoring.

your personal brand and messaging strategy

For many years, I’ve worked with folks just like you. My clients are brilliant change-makers with a wealth of lived experience and a long list of impressive credentials. They’re hellbent on dismantling systemic barriers and making the world a better place and I’m so grateful I get to help them actualize their missions.

But time and time again, I see them getting stuck in the same places…

  • They clam up when it’s time to promote themselves

  • They struggle with imposter syndrome

  • They stay quiet and play small because they’re afraid to ruffle feathers

  • They worry about being perceived as “salesly”

  • They fear that taking a stand will cost them business or alienate their peers

At the same time, they know these challenges are costing them business and hindering their growth.

Because at the most basic level, we make purchasing decisions based on trust and you can’t have trust without authenticity. According to recent data, 90% of customers cite authenticity as an important factor in deciding which brands they support.* This metric alone should make your ears perk up if you care about driving conversion and creating loyal fans.

But before we go any further, let’s get one thing straight. If you’re under the impression that individuals don’t need brands, you’re wrong. If you want to stand out in your industry today, personal branding is a non-negotiable. This is especially true for my friends in purpose-driven industries like mental health tech or service-based entrepreneurship.

But Liz, do I really need a personal brand? I’m busy AF!

Now you’re probably wondering how, amid the chaos of running your business, getting your startup off the ground, or simply trying to captivate your ideal client, you’ll have time to create a personal brand. And with good reason! It makes sense that diverting your attention to something seemingly abstract might feel overwhelming. Not to mention, the content marketers and brand strategists of yesteryear have done a reallllllly good job of overcomplicating this topic and gatekeeping resources.

In other words, I understand why you’ve put your branding on the back burner for so long. So take a deep breath and listen closely to what I have to say next.

Personal branding doesn’t have to be difficult, and you can learn to talk about yourself and position your business in a way that feels good to you (no matter what some marketing bro told you). 

Ok, I’m sold. How do I start building my brand?

That’s a question that most of my clients have as we begin our work together. So to simplify things, I built a framework called The 3 Pillars of Authentic Self that serves as a starting point for the rest of our process. Ask yourself the following questions to uncover the 3 pillars of your authentic self.

  1. What do you love?

    • What lights you up (and always has)?

    • What would you do for free if you could?

    • What do you do that reinforces your identity?

  2. What do you stand for?

    • What hills will hill die on?

    • What’s the change you want to see in the world?

    • What’s the legacy you want to leave behind?

  3. Who do you serve?

    • Who has challenges you deeply understand?

    • Who has problems you’re uniquely qualified to solve?

    • Whose lives will be better because of you and what you’re doing/building?

These questions are deceptively simple. But if you take some time to answer them fully, you’ll soon have the foundation of a strong personal brand right in front of you.  Make no mistake, it takes some vulnerability to answer these questions and you might surface some things you weren’t expecting. If that happens, take a breather and circle back to this work when it feels right. 

When you’re ready to go a little deeper, check out my free ebook Tell Your Story, Make Some Noise. It’s a 19-page messaging guide for unlikely executives and feminist entrepreneurs that will help you define a personal brand and business you will be excited to promote!


If you know you need to work on your messaging and branding (like, yesterday) but it’s not something you can DIY, don’t panic! Click below to book a free call with me today and let’s talk about how my VIP messaging intensive will bring you brand clarity and confidence in just one day!




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